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Frequently Asked Questions...

Where is Calvary Chapel Ontario located?

Quite often people assume we're located in Canada and the province of Ontario. However, our fellowship is located in Ontario, Oregon USA.

What denomination is Calvary Chapel Ontario?

Calvary Chapel Ontario is not part of a denomination, however we are affiliated with the Calvary Chapel Association (CCA). There is no denominational structure or centralized governing body in CCA. Each member fellowship is considered to be independent. To find a Calvary Chapel fellowship near you just click here and enter your city, state and country in the search box.


What Bible translation does Pastor Paul use?

Pastor Paul teaches from the ESV (English Standard Version.)​

Does Pastor Paul recommend a specific order for reading through the Bible?

Not really. He recommends reading the Old Testament in book order, and when reading the New Testament to break up the Gospel accounts with other books. Here is an example.​

Are there transcripts available of Pastor Paul's teachings?

Yes!! Several books now have transcripts available.

What does Calvary Chapel Ontario believe?

You can read our Statement of Faith here.​

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I've noticed in some of Pastor Paul's older videos there is a Menorah on the table behind him. Is there some meaning to that?

Yes! The Menorah is a symbol representative of the nation of Israel, and displaying it was a reminder to our people that both the Old Testament as well as the New Testament are one continuing conversation between God and His people. It's one of the reasons we study just as diligently through the Old Testament as we do the New.


How is Pastor Paul's last name pronounced?

It is pronounced: lah-boo-tee-A​

Can I contact Pastor Paul personally?

You can email him at

What's the name of the song that plays at the beginning and end of some of Pastor Paul's teachings?

Thy Word by Michael W. Smith

• What is the best way to study with Pastor Paul's teachings?

Click here for Pastor Paul's suggestions

Does Pastor Paul have any Bible commentary recommendations?

Yes. Pastor Paul recommends the online commentary by David Guzik.

• How can I find out if there is a Calvary Chapel fellowship near where I live? 

Just click here.​

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