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Learning to Hear God's Voice

Question: How can I truly listen to God?

Listening to God's voice is something we learn to do over time. It is different from learning to listen to other people, because when God speaks to us, He speaks to our spirit — not to our physical ears. Our spirit is something that is made alive (born again) when we put our faith in Jesus, but we are so accustomed to using our five physical senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing and feeling) that using our spirit to listen is an entirely new exercise.

My first piece of advice is that you get to know God's voice through His Word. That is first and foremost in importance. Listen to God by hearing His Word. Write down any "messages" from the Bible that you think God may be using to speak to you and pray about them.

Next, after you have spent time in the Word, take a few minutes to sit quietly. This is referred to as quieting your heart and it's a good exercise that will eventually put you in a better place for hearing God. We rarely ever hear God speaking to us in the noisey busy-ness of everyday life. It is often when we have taken the time to quiet our hearts that we gain the best perspective from hearing God. But be patient with yourself and allow yourself to grow in your knowledge of the Word of God.

So, keep doing what you're doing and tell God in prayer that you want to learn to hear His voice. God has things He wants to tell you. But as I said, start by "hearing" the Word as you study through your Bible daily.

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