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Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:
Recommended Bible study resources
Understanding Scripture through dispensations
Believers living together out of wedlock
Spiritual gifts
God's "silence"
Attending same-sex marriage ceremonies
The Legacy Standard Bible translation
Taking communion
King James & NLT Bible translations
Serving in the military & fighting wars
Women teaching
The purpose of the Law
What are examples of “another gospel”
Free will in Heaven
Dinner with the apostle Paul
Sin and salvation
Moral relativism (i.e. homosexuality, drinking alcohol)
Born again but living a sinful lifestyle (i.e. homosexuality)
Law of First Mentions
Satan cast to Earth
Thou shalt not kill
People turn on Jesus
​Is America the Babylon of Revelation?
​Will the Holy Spirit be removed from the earth after the Rapture?
​Can Christians listen to secular music?
Can you lose your salvation if you sin and never repent?​
How much should I tithe?​
​What will I lose in heaven?
​Did animal sacrifice forgive sin the same as Christ?
Can I sow financial seeds, to reap financial reward?​
Is reincarnation real?​
​Is it ever permissible to withhold forgiveness?
​How do we give over full control and trust to God?
Can we trust the Old Testament because of the Aramaic?​
What does it mean to bless the Lord?
Does Jesus stay himself in heaven?
Were Pharisees Levites? Are Rabbis Levites?
Do you need to repent publicly?
How did God come into existence?
I never hear God's voice. Does that mean I lack faith?
WHY Jesus had to suffer such a horrible death?
is it biblical to marry a younger man?